
Welcome to my Portfolio!

Sarker Jawad Islam


Hi I'm Sarker a C# SDET for Sparta Global. I trained both in C# Dev and C# SDET before starting to work for Sparta's clients. I created this website to provide an overview of myself as well as to practice my web development skills.

About Me

Hi again! As you might have learned, my name is Sarker, I graduated from Brunel University with a degree in Computer Science. I then joined Sparta Global where I have learned to think both with a consultancy and technical mindset whilst training in their C# DEV and SDET course.

I am an individual who likes to take on new challenges and relishes the problem solving aspect that comes along when building new applications. Software development for me is not about creating new applications, its more about embracing the constant changes that happen around technology and using those new innovations to build services that aim at helping the end user in one aspect or another.

The language which I am most comfortable with is C#, however I am always open to new opportunities and would use any chance provided to be to further extend my skills.

During my free time I like to read books, play games mainly adventure and team based games. I also do tuitioning in the weekend and when possible I teach my brother programming as we both are quite interested in it.

My Projects

Web Weekly-Planner

ASP.NET WEB Razor Page application based on the weekly-planner from a previous project.

The goal of this project was to create a web version of the weekly planner and familiarise myself with Razor Pages and ASP.NET

More Info on Github

RESTful API Project

API Application built using ASP.NET API with Visual Studio, C#, SQL and tested with Postman and Mock tests.

The goal was to create an API with Get and Post methods and to familiarise myself more with ASP.NET API and Postman.

More Info on GitHub

Weekly-Planner Project

A Weekly Planner Application built using Visual Studio, C#, XAML and SQL.

The goal of this project was to provide users a means to track their weekly activities and notes throughout the week.

More Info on Github

Radio Project

A 3-tier Radio Aplication built using Visual Studio and SQL.

The goal of the project was to create an application that could be used to play some of the radio channels alongside some basic functionalities. Above you can 3 examples of the Radio.

More Info on Github

Calculator Project

A WPF application built using Visual Studio and C#.

The goal of the project was to create a calculator that allows a user to execute simple operations. This was the further extended by adding additional operations

More Info on Github

Space Platformer Project

A space game built using Unity, Visual Studio & C#.

The project goal was create a platform game with 3 levels with incremental difficulty. Several requirements had to satisfied with the main one being the use of different game elements

More Info on Github

Contact Me

Feel free to download my CV or Contact me if you want to know more.

CV Download (PDF)
CV Download (Docx)